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Digital wet plates (The whales of Tonga)
Following the migration of the Humpback whales from the Antarctic Ocean into the warmer waters of the South Pacific. La estación migratoria desde el Oceano Antártico ya ha comenzado, las ballenas preñadas a punto de parir empiezan a buscar aguas más cálidas en el Pacífico Sur.
Conscious breathing
Baby whales can only stay for short periods underwater so they spend most of their time close to the surface while the mother watc…
Mother love...
A Humpback whale calf dives down after coming up to the surface to breath while it's mother showing 4 remora fish feeding off the…
Eye to eye contact 3.0
A Humpback whale calf watches me carefully while breathing up in the surface after spending some time protected by it's mother's h…
Upside down
A Humpback whale calf dives down after coming up to the surface to breath while it's mother awaits just a few metres below in the…
Lift me up...
A Humpback whale mother helps it's playful calf to get some air after a brief interaction with a group of snorkelers at the South…
Dive down
A Humpback whale calf dives down after coming up to the surface to breath while it's mother awaits just a few metres below in the…
I will protect you
A Humpback whale calf dives down after coming up to the surface to breath while it's mother gently taps the calf with it;s huge pe…
Back to mother
A Humpback whale calf dives down after coming up to the surface to breath while it's mother awaits just a few metres below in the…
A Humpback whale calf dives down after coming up to the surface to breath while it's mother showing remora fish feeding off the de…